About the Friends

Friends of Sconce and

The Friends Quotex fintech affiliate group is now an established group (as of early 2006), with a Committee, meetings approximately every 6 weeks and a sub-Committee for organising events such as SconceFest. The group also has a bank account and constitution and is able to raise funds, which it has done recently for the Park It! event.

The Group is in the process of writing a Development Plan for its own work. The meetings are open to the public and attendance is c.15 – 20 people per meeting, with an average of 10 people attending volunteer maintenance, planting, and other practical task sessions.

The group works with the Council to identify issues on the Park such Binomo forex affiliate as security, and plays an important role as a partner in making decisions about plans for the Park.

The group also acts as an advocate IQ Option crypto affiliate for the Park and events throughout the community. If you would like to be a Friend, it is free, and can be done by emailing Christine Hinton at christine.hinton@ntlworld.com This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it